Shipping Policy

At Promatrix Technologies Private Limited (“Prowebmatrix”), we aim to provide exceptional digital services to our clients without the need for physical shipping. As a result, we do not have a shipping policy in place. Our services, including website designing, app designing, marketing solutions, company logo designing, and hosting services, are delivered electronically via digital platforms.

1. Service Delivery: 1.1. Upon confirmation of your order and payment processing, our team will commence work on your project promptly. 1.2. All deliverables, including design drafts, completed websites, mobile applications, marketing materials, and other digital assets, will be delivered electronically via email or through secure online platforms. 1.3. Our dedicated support team will ensure smooth communication throughout the project and timely delivery of all agreed-upon services.

2. No Physical Shipping: 2.1. As our services are entirely digital, there is no requirement for physical shipping of any kind. 2.2. Clients are not required to provide shipping addresses or incur any shipping fees.

3. Digital Delivery Confirmation: 3.1. Upon completion of the project or service, clients will receive confirmation of delivery via email. 3.2. The email will include all relevant details, such as project completion status, access credentials (if applicable), and instructions for further steps.

4. Contact Us: If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding our shipping policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at Our customer support team is available to assist you promptly.

5. Updates to the Policy: Prowebmatrix reserves the right to update or modify this shipping policy at any time without prior notice. Clients are encouraged to review this policy periodically for any changes.

Thank you for choosing Prowebmatrix for your digital service needs. We look forward to serving you with excellence and efficiency.